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Wrap-Operator Example
This operator wraps an image onto a sphere or a tube. An unique
feature is the deformation of "unwrapped" portions of the image
in "RADIUS"-mode.
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Input STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8, input buffer
TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
Ouput STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8, output buffer
TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
TRender ON, OFF indicate that the transformed 3d-temp-buffer
is used for the last time and can be modified
directly to conserve both memory and time
Axis wrap axis,
X, wrap the image onto a tube along the x-axis
Y, wrap the image onto a tube along the y-axis
XY, wrap the image onto a sphere
OriginX, pixels origin of the sphere/tube
OriginY prixels
Amount 0...100 wrap-amount
Radius pixels radius of the sphere or tube
Method method used for wrapping,
RADIUS, create a sphere/tube of the radius
specified, wrap the image onto it and
deform the unwrapped portions according
to the shape
AMOUNT create a sphere/tube to fit the whole
wrapped image, the specified amount-value
specifies the amount of wrapping in percent
Because this operator supports the PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global Render-Settings -Window.